Ladypool Cycles has carefully reviewed the Gov­ern­men­t’s advice and guidance with regards to Covid-19. Their strat­e­gy is to slow down the transmission of the virus ensuring the healthcare system can cope, whilst also pro­tect­ing the vul­ner­a­ble and elder­ly. It is also vital to keep the economy going and ensure all businesses large and small carry on being able to provide support and employment for their staff and goods and services for their customers.


We also believe that the bike has always been a route to physical and mental well-being. So whilst we are all reining in some of our social and work activities, we believe that you should make space for cycling as long as the government sees fit to permit it. So we propose to keep cycling ourselves and suggest that you do the same if conditions, health and circumstance permits.


So with that in mind, Ladypool Cycles is open for business at the time of writing but we have also put in place a strategy to ensure we follow all appropriate guidance and put the safety and well-being of our customers and staff at the forefront of everything we do. This page will be updated as events unfold.


  • We are com­mit­ted to the health and well­be­ing of our staff and cus­tomers and will review best prac­tice regularly, daily if necessary.
  • We are vigorously imple­ment­ing the high­est stan­dards we practically can of transmission pre­ven­tion in the store includ­ing for instance reg­u­lar cleaning of all frequent hand-touch points such as the PDQ (Card payment) machines and the counter area.
  • We have alcohol gel “squirts” for staff and customers freely available at the counter.
  • Our staff will observe the 2 metre dis­tance rule from customers and col­leagues as much as practically pos­si­ble.
  • Hand wash­ing facilities are available and all our staff have com­mit­ted to wash hands thor­ough­ly and regularly.
  • You can be assured of a warm welcome as ever when you enter the shop but we ask you to respect our policy of no shak­ing of hands or phys­i­cal con­tact.
  • If any of our customers are feeling unwell, we ask you not to come to the store until you have recovered.
  • We are offering delivery services if you need it.
  • Our workshop is open and has the on-going capacity to keep your bike in proper running order.


In times of great challenge, it has always been the case that we rally together to face down whatever that challenge may be. It will be no different this time. In the meantime, keeping fit and active is something you can do safely and within the guidelines for social distancing. There are few more rewarding ways of doing that than cycling so keep pedalling, keep safe and we look forward to seeing you soon.


Stay safe, think bike and take every effort to make your contribution to us all getting through this.


